Longhorn Imaging: Pioneering DTI for Brain Surgery

Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is a type of MRI technique that can detect white matter fibers that connect different areas of the brain. It is a relatively new, cutting-edge technology that is designed to help map targeted areas of the brain before surgery, providing surgeons crucial information, so they can remove tumors from the brain as effectively as possible without damaging the surrounding areas. As a result, patients have a greater chance of enjoying an improved quality of life. Longhorn Imaging is at the forefront of this industry and is one of the few centers to deliver this advanced imaging test.

If you are undergoing brain surgery, your doctor may order a DTI to evaluate and map the area of your brain to be addressed. At Longhorn Imaging in Austin, our friendly and knowledgeable staff will help walk you through this process and answer your questions, so you feel safe, comfortable, and informed. Call our office today to schedule a consultation and discover an imaging center where you can undergo this test in total comfort.

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The benefits of diffusion tensor imaging (DTI)

Diffusion tensor imaging is an advanced form of imaging technology that provides many benefits. It can detect tears in white matter that do not show up on other tests, such as an MRI. It can also serve as an important tool when it comes to the removal of brain tumors since it can provide comprehensive and functional mapping of the brain.

Here are some other benefits associated with DTI:

  • Helps doctors better estimate recovery times for patients who sustained a concussion
  • Offers details of the brain other imaging tests cannot provide
  • Gives more insight into concussions 
  • Captures images of white matter
  • Offers 3D imaging of the brain’s neural pathways

It can also more accurately estimate the orientation and location of any damage you potentially sustained after a concussion or TBI, regardless of whether a patient is experiencing symptoms or not.

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Longhorn Imaging Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) Machine

How is a DTI performed?

To perform a DTI, which isolates white matter and water movement in the brain, magnetic field gradients are applied to create an image that is sensitized to diffusion in a specific direction, which is then repeated in other directions. Overall, the process can take somewhere between 30-45 minutes, during which it is crucial to be still and relaxed. If your scan reveals that water flow is obstructed, this may be indicative of a traumatic brain injury, which is why this technique is often used in screening for such injuries. Longhorn Imaging is among the few imaging centers that offer this cutting-edge imaging technology.

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