Longhorn Imaging: Leading TBI Diagnosis

A head injury, if left untreated, can lead to serious physical, cognitive, and emotional changes. After a head injury, it is critical to evaluate the condition of the patient correctly, and as early as possible after the accident. At Longhorn Imaging, we offer some of the most advanced diagnostic tests for TBI (traumatic brain injury) and concussion.

Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI)

DTI testing is a  next-generation imaging test that can identify brain injuries very accurately. After a head impact, whether a fall, or other brain-related condition, such as a tumor, this type of imaging test allows medical professionals to detect various types of brain injuries to allow for surgery or other medical interventions. The DTI test can make it possible to better predict the recovery time after a concussion or traumatic brain injury, as well as perform surgery with greater accuracy, for the health and wellbeing of the patient.

Learn More About DTI

Videonystagmography (VNG)

VNG testing may be ordered in cases of concussion or TBI. The test can identify the source of several brain function conditions that may lead to dizziness, ringing in the ears, issues with balance, and vertigo. These symptoms may be associated with brain function, that can be identified by measuring how the eyes and ears react to specific stimuli.

Learn More About VNG

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Longhorn Imaging MRI machine

TBI Screening

A TBI, or traumatic brain injury, can lead to significant changes in a patient’s abilities. Any damage, swelling, blood clots, bleeding, bruised tissue, or other brain conditions must be identified and treated as early as possible. Any patient who has suffered a blow to the head and lost consciousness, even for a short period, should undergo TBI screening. When any brain trauma is identified through TBI screening, it allows the patient to undergo the best type of treatment, with the best hope for a full recovery.

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