TBI Screening & Imaging

Great strides have been made in understanding traumatic brain injuries (TBI), much of which is the result of advances in imaging technology. Given the risks associated with this type of injury, it is crucial that accident victims seek diagnostic imaging services. When it comes to TBI screening, some of the most common tests performed are CT scans, MRIs, and Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI), all of which are offered at Longhorn Imaging in Austin. These TBI screening tools can provide essential, potentially life-saving analyses of the brain, revealing bleeding in the brain, bruised tissue, blood clots, and more.

If you were recently injured in an accident or lost consciousness, you or your doctor should consider reaching out to our team for TBI screening services. Our staff will help you understand the process, answer your questions, and address any concerns you may have regarding this or any of our other exceptional imaging services. Your TBI screening will take place in a warm, friendly, spa-like setting, not a cold, clinical hospital. Our staff is warm, welcoming, and wants to make your experience with us positive.

Longhorn Imaging docotor consulting with patient

The benefits of TBI screening

Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) are incredibly serious and contribute to thousands of deaths every year. If you were in a serious accident or suffered from a concussion, it is important to screen for a TBI and determine if any damage was done and what kind of treatment may be necessary. TBIs do not always leave visible wounds or marks and you might not be aware of an injury. It is crucial to be aware of the signs, which include persistent headaches, drowsiness, nausea, sensitivity to light and sound, mood swings, or vomiting.

Longhorn Imaging patient receiving TBI screening

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Who needs TBI screening?

It is important to talk to your doctor if you were in an accident, had a concussion, or otherwise believe that you sustained a brain injury. Here are some questions you can ask yourself to determine if TBI screening is right for you:

  • Were you hit on the head or fell and hit your head?
  • Have you ever been admitted to the hospital or an emergency room due to a head injury?
  • Are you experiencing any symptoms or feelings of sickness after sustaining a head injury?
  • Do you experience social or cognitive issues in your everyday life?
  • Have you lost consciousness as a result of a head injury?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may have suffered a TBI and should discuss TBI screening with your doctor. TBIs that go untreated can be potentially life-threatening in severe cases, so it is important to address it as quickly as possible.

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