Comfortable VNG Diagnosis

A videonystagmography (VNG) records a patient’s eye movements with a camera through a set of goggles to help diagnose a variety of vestibular disorders, which can cause dizziness and balance problems. We are committed to making the experience as comfortable as possible. There are four main parts to this test: ocular motility, optokinetic nystagmus, positional nystagmus, and caloric testing. In addition to measuring the movements of the eyes, it can also examine the functionality of each ear. VNG is also a non-invasive test that takes about an hour and a half to complete.

If you are experiencing dizziness, ringing in your ears, issues with balance, vertigo, or other similar symptoms, your doctor may order a VNG test for you to determine the cause and help diagnose the condition accurately. You will be under the care of our compassionate technologists who will ensure your experience is relaxed and comfortable.

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The advantages of videonystagmography (VNG)

VNG gives doctors the ability to examine certain eye movements that cannot be seen or observed any other way, providing a better understanding of brain function. It provides crucial insight regarding any deficient areas of the brain, so that these problematic regions can be addressed. VNG testing can also:

  • Assess if a motor output, sensory input, or neural pathways are the source of your symptoms
  • Examine your functional ability to use system inputs in a cohesive fashion 
  • Conclude if vestibular rehabilitation is appropriate for you

Compared to electronystagmography (ENG), this test is also far more advanced and effective in determining if a patient is suffering from balance disorders. It can also be very advantageous when it comes to matters related to temporospatial resolution, calibration, and eye movements.

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How does videonystagmography work?

During your VNG test, you will sit in a dark room while wearing a set of goggles that have a camera, which will be used to record your eye movements. You will be asked to watch moving lights on a screen or instructed to move your body and head in a number of positions. Small bursts of water or air may also be sent into your ears while the goggles record your responses. In the aftermath of this test, you may feel a bit dizzy, but this typically dissipates quite quickly. In rare cases, it may be necessary for someone to drive you home if the dizzy feeling lingers.

The videonystagmography test is relatively quick and simple to perform. The goggles may cause a little discomfort, but this is minor. If your eyes do not move as expected, it is possible you may have a balance or inner ear disorder. To may require further testing to assess which form of treatment is best for you.

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