Child-Friendly Care

Children often need to undergo imaging tests. Just like adults, kids can be fearful or confused about what is happening. At Longhorn Imaging, we are very familiar with working with children of all ages and helping them feel comfortable about what will be happening in words they understand. We do all we can to make the experience as easy to experience as possible. We use words that make sense to children to describe the testing procedure, whether an X-ray, MRI, CT scan, X-ray, ultrasound, TBI screening test, or DTI test.

An imaging center for children in Austin, TX: Longhorn Imaging

At Longhorn Imaging, we perform imaging tests on children very differently than in many other clinics or hospitals. We understand that undergoing testing can be stressful for a child, and we are very familiar with how to work with children successfully.

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Longhorn Imaging child patient in wheelchair

CT or MRI testing

The parents of the child are welcome during a CT or MRI scan to help the child feel safe. Your child must lie as still as possible during the test. An at-home game in which you get your child to lie still to practice before the test can be helpful. Promise them something they love after the test, whether a trip to the park, an ice cream, or a toy. Please note that pregnant mothers cannot be in the room during this scan. Tell them about the noises they will hear from the machine and have them listen to music on headphones in preparation for the test.


You can make X-ray tests easier on your child by creating a game in which they hold very still, hold their breath, or play freeze tag. You can show them how the X-ray will work by positioning their bodies with pillows and asking the child to lie very still and making a clicking noise, mimicking the sound of the X-ray machine.


You will be with your child in ultrasound testing for comfort. Tell them in advance about the gel that will be applied to the skin before the test and the screen the technician will be looking at as they move the device around on the body. Bring your child’s favorite blanket or toy, and ensure they are in loose, comfortable clothing. 

Why choose us?

Longhorn Imaging sets the highest standard of care in imaging services for children, with a relaxing atmosphere of care and support that children (and adults) appreciate. For the gold standard in radiology services for children, we invite you to discover the difference at our imaging centers. The backbone of Longhorn Imaging is our caring customer service, catering to the needs of children to make the imaging experience as relaxing and comfortable as possible.

We offer the latest in imaging technology along with several unique tests found only at Longhorn in a boutique, non-hospital environment that delivers the highest standard of care in a comfortable setting. Rather than being intimidating or clinical, our centers are warm, comforting, and friendly. We are here to help parents with children who need imaging tests to ensure the entire process is as easy as possible for the youngest patients.

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