Longhorn Imaging: Elevating Radiology Care

Longhorn Imaging sets a higher standard of care in imaging services. When you enter the doors, you will discover a relaxing atmosphere, a spa-like environment, and the gold standard in radiology services. Every imaging test is different, but one thing never changes, our focus on ensuring the best patient experience possible at a lower cost. We deliver advanced imaging tests at a lower price, often much less than that of the hospital. We also provide extended and weekend hours, free transportation for MRI and CT patients, free and ample parking at all centers and rapid service including same-day scheduling.

The testing experience at Longhorn Imaging


An MRI can be performed “with contrast” or “without contrast.” This refers to a dye that may be administered intravenously to create more precise images. If your test requires contrast dye, you may experience a minor sensation of cold or flushing, a salty taste, or some itching. You will be lying down on a bed-like shelf. Once you are settled, you will be drawn into our advanced MRI machine, which is less claustrophobic than older machines.

You will be fitted with headphones and your favorite playlist, which makes the experience more comfortable. During your MRI, you will be asked to lie as still as possible. You may be asked to hold your breath on and off. The MRI machine makes a series of clicking, creaking, banking, whirring, beeping, or clanging sounds, which you may hear, even with music in the headphones. The length of the MRI test will vary based on what your doctor has ordered, but it will generally take between 30 minutes and two hours.

Weight-Bearing MRI

A weight-bearing MRI may be ordered if your doctor needs a deeper look into a spinal condition. First developed in 1996, weight-bearing MRIs make it possible for a patient to sit or stand between magnetic imaging devices. When sitting, the machine can tilt the body at the necessary angle. Weight-bearing MRIs also allow an open view into the rest of the room, so anxieties about potential claustrophobia are alleviated. Longhorn Imaging is one of the few imaging centers equipped with these advanced MRI machines. 

You may be positioned sitting, standing, bending, or lying down without the enclosed sensation of a standard MRI machine. You will be guided into the best position to create the images your doctor needs. As the front of the machine is completely open, you have a view of the room and a microphone to communicate with your technician.

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Longhorn Imaging physicians walking down hallway

CT Scans

If you are scheduled for a CT scan, you must avoid eating or drinking for several hours before the scan. The CT scan may be performed with or without contrast dye based on your doctor’s directions. If “with contrast,” a dye is administered through an IV. You may feel a sensation of cold, or a flush, and an odd taste in your mouth. You will lie on the machine table, which is drawn into a donut-like machine, which moves around the body, taking images. The scanner doesn’t touch your body. You will be lying on your back and may be asked to raise your arms above your head. If you become uncomfortable, simply inform our friendly technician, who is committed to ensuring your experience is comfortable. The test will take about 20 minutes to complete. 


A Vertebral Motion Analysis, or VMA, may be needed to identify problems with the spine when it is in motion. During the test, you will be standing and asked to bend forward and back. This advanced X-ray machine can capture images of your spine as it moves. The test takes about 20 minutes to complete.


An ultrasound test involves placing a gel on the area being examined and running the ultrasound device over the site. Sound waves are used to create images. It is noninvasive and usually painless. The exam may take from 30 minutes to an hour to complete.


X-rays are among the most common types of imaging tests ordered by physicians. The experience will vary based on which area of the body needs to be tested. You may be lying down, standing, or sitting. You may be asked to move your body into various positions, allowing several X-ray views. You will not feel any sensation from the X-ray but should stay as still as possible. Our friendly, helpful technicians will guide you and may use pillows or other soft devices to prop up the area being scanned. The entire process takes about 30 minutes to complete in most cases.

TBI Screening

A traumatic brain injury screening may require a set of imaging tests, including a CT scan, MRs, and Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI), all of which are offered at Longhorn Imaging in Austin. These TBI screening tools can reveal injuries to the brain, including bruising, blood clots, or other issues of concern. Every test is performed with personalized care, and guidance from professionals focused on ensuring comfort.

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Videonystagmography (VNG)

In this test, you will be in a darkened room equipped with specialized goggles. The goggles record your eye motions as you watch lights moving on a screen or when moving your head or body into various positions. The test is painless and takes about one to two hours to complete. However, you may experience some dizziness, which will not last long.

Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI)

A DTI test is a brain-centered version of an MRI test. You will be resting on the MRI machine bed and will be asked to lie as still as possible. The machine makes a series of sounds, but you will be wearing headphones and listening to music. The test takes no longer than an hour to complete and does not require intravenous contrast dye.  

A Smooth Experience

At Longhorn Imaging, we strive to make our services as accessible as possible. We offer:

  • free transportation
  • free/ample parking
  • rapid service

To find out more information or to inform us of your needs, please contact our offices today. 

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